Nørrebro has opened! Swing by and play some games!

Reservation – Bastard Café in Nørrebro

You are about to make a booking in
Bastard Café Nørrebro
Borgmestervangen 21
2200 København N

If this is the first time you make a booking at Bastard Café, we recommend that you read our booking FAQ page. It will give you the answers to 99% of all of your questions about how and what booking at Bastard Café is like.
Otherwise go straight ahead and book in the form below.



  • It is not possible to book for today. Only from tomorrow.

If you have further information or other requests please write a message. You can wish for a specific area in the café, but it’s not always we can guarantee it. Reservations that requires multiple tables will always be seated as close to each other as possible.

It is not possible to reserve specific games. All games are “First come, first served” (or “Først til mølle” in Danish).

Please write in English, if possible, since not all our bartenders speak fluent Danish yet.

Comments are read by the bartenders half an hour before the cafe opens on the day of the booking. If you have a question please mail it to [email protected]

If you want to add one or more gurus to your reservation, please choose how many and for how long below.
If you book with an active membership, there is a 40% discount on the Dedicated Guru(s). Discount is visible when you view your basket.
If you have any requests for the gurus, please write them in the Guru comment section below. Please notice you cannot request specific titles only what kind of games.
If the guru(s) must be able to talk Danish please write it in the comments (this does limit the available gurus we have).

Want a discount? Become a member by purchasing Bastard Café Membership, or log in if you are a member.



If this is the first time you make a booking at Bastard Café, we recommend that you read our booking FAQ page. It will give you the answers to 99% of all of your questions about how and what booking at Bastard Café is like.
Otherwise go straight ahead and book in the form above.