Now also in Valby!

Knight Moves

Published 2005
Type Game
Number of players 2 - 2 players
Average duration 10 mins.
Complexity Medium
Bookcase: 503 Shelf: 1


From the publisher’s website:

Two combatants must outsmart each other in their attempt to maneuver their sphere to the opposite side of the playing field. But to do so, each rival must first lay down a course of wooden blocks from which their sphere can be catapulted. Moving the blocks like Knights in the game of Chess, precise positioning is of the utmost importance in order for the sphere to capture the win.

In this fast-paced game, suggestive of basketball meets Chess, two players try to move their marble to the opposite side of the board, using 5 wooden “blocks” as passing instruments. A player may either pass the ball or move a block like a Knight in a game of Chess. The ball may be passed in any direction, but the block with a ball may not be moved. It is competitive, it is strategic, and it is quick. So get ready to Razzle-Dazzle your opponent.

Online Play

Super Duper Games
Gamerz (turn based)

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