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Beyond Valor: ASL Module 1

Published 1985
Type Expansion
Number of players 2 - 2 players
Average duration 120 mins.
Complexity No complexity set.
Shelf: 915
Bookcase: 52 Shelf: 2


(from MMP’s website and user’s description:)

Beyond Valor is the first, and most important, of the Advanced Squad Leader modules. BV contains the German and Russian orders of battle from 1939-1945 as well as three different squad-types of Finnish troops. Additionally, the module contains the necessary markers and fortifications required by the ASL Series.[…]

Paired with the ASL Rulebook, Beyond Valor is quite a lot of ASL in a single box. DYO possibilities are endless, and additional scenarios using only the components in BV can be found on our website in the downloads section.


Boards 1-5 & 8 [3rd edition only], 20-23 [all editions]
12 counter sheets [1st edition] / 15 Counter sheets [2nd edition] / 14 Counter sheets [3rd edition]
ASL Scenarios 1-10 [all editions], 123-136 [3rd edition only]
4 six-sided dice

[Note: in 1st edition, Finnish counters are in the same blue as German counters]
[Note: 2nd edition only, includes also complete Red Barricades: ASL Historical Module 1 material]
[Note: 3rd edition was reprinted in 2016 as an exact copy of previous printing]
[Note: 3rd edition was reprinted in 2018 with a larger font to match the most current ASL rule book and some counter changes https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2235440/difference-3rd-edition-printings]

Scenario List:

[all editions]:
1 Fighting Withdrawal, Terijoki Finland 1941
2 Mila 18, Warsaw Poland 1943
3 The Czerniakow Bridgehead, Warsaw Poland 1944
4 The Commissar’s House, Stalingrad Russia 1942
5 In Sight of the Volga, Stalingrad Russia 1942
6 Red Packets, Zhabinki Russia 1942
7 Dash for the Bridge, Warsaw Poland 1944
8 The Fugitives, Berlin Germany 1945
9 To The Square, Warsaw Poland 1945
10 The Citadel, Brest-Litovsk Russia, 1941

[3rd edition only]:
123 The Borders are Burning, Kuhmo Finland 1939
124 On The Borderline, Artahuhta Finland 1939
125 First Crisis at Army Group North, Raseiniai Lithuania 1941
126 Commando Schenke, Liepaja Latvia 1941
127 Land Leviathans, Lipki Russia 1941
128 The Defense of Luga, Leningrad Russia 1941
129 Slamming of the Door, Panikovo Forest Russia, 1941
130 Debacle at Korosten, Korosten Russia 1941
131 The Penetration of Rostov, Rostov Russia 1942
132 Hill 253.5, Ponyri, Russia 1943
133 Block Busting in Bokruisk, Bokruisk, Russia 1944
134 Counterattack on the Vistula, Wola Chodkowska Poland 1944
135 Acts of Defiance, Breslau Germany 1945
136 The Agony of Doom, Muncheberg Germany 1945

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