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Nuclear War

Published 1965
Type Game
Number of players 2 - 6 players
Average duration 60 mins.
Complexity Low
Shelf: 923


Nuclear War is a satirical card game in which each player represents a “major world power” and attempts to gain global domination (or annihilation) through the strategic use of propaganda or nuclear weapons.

Players start the game in the “peace/cold war” phase, using Secrets and Propaganda cards in their hand to negotiate with other players. Play continues until the first player launches a missile and payload, ie the “war” phase. If the missile isn’t destroyed in flight, the struck player must spin to see how much of his population is lost. Play continues until either peace breaks out again or only one player has any population cards left.

Limited edition booster cards were created in the 90’s. A list can be found in the Community Wiki section and Nuclear War Booster Packs

Origins Awards HALL OF FAME winner (1998)

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